Thursday, July 30, 2020

Human development

                     HUMAN DEVELOPMENT

▪︎Growth and Development

•Growth is quantitative and value neutral. It may have negative and positive sign.

•Development means a qualitative change. which always value positive.

▪︎The four pillars of human development.

•Equity refers to equal rights or opportunities. People must be treated equally irrespective of their gender,race,income and caste.

•Sustainability means continuity in the availability of opportunities. Each generation must have same opportunities. Future generations have right to get all availability devoid any lackness.

•Productivity means human labour productivity. It depends upon that how much caliber,efforts a person is that will render the economy. If we have great knowledge and health facility that will lead to work efficiency.

•Empowerment means to have the power to make choices. Power comes from freedom and capability.

▪︎Approach to human development

•Income approach it is necessary for all and the idea of level of income reflects the level of freedom an individual enjoys.

•Welfare approach it comes with better amenities, education,health,social secondary and other facilities.The government is responsible for increasing levels of human development.

•Basic needs approach there are six basic needs health, education,food,water supply, sanitation and housing.

•Capability approach one should be having the capability for getting education and have good health.these are the basically key of human development.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

The world population


Patterns of population distribution in the world

Patterns of population and density help us to understand the demographic characteristics of any area. Population distribution it describes about that how much space has been occupied by people. What happened that we have 90%of the world population but we have 10% of its land area.

What are the factors influencing the distribution of population?

1) Geographical factors

a) Availability of water: It is the most crucial factor for life. We prefer to live in those areas which have sublime facility of water that it easily available. Water is used for drinking, bathing and cooking and for cattle too.
b) Landforms: People prefer to live on flat plains and gentle slopes. Why these areas choose by the people because it is favourable for the production of crops and to built roads and industries.
c) Climate: An extreme climate such as hot or cold deserts are uncomfortable for human habitation. Areas with the comfortable climate where there is not much seasonal variation attract more people.
d) Soils: fertile soils are important for agricultural and allied activities. Where these kind of soils available people are refer to live on them.

2) Economic factors

a) Industrialisation: Most of the people attract towards industries for employment.
b) Urbanisation: Cities have better employment opportunities, education and medical facilities, better means of transport and communication.
c) Minerals: Areas with minerals deposits attract industries. Mining and industrial activities generate employment.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Human geography scope and nature.

Nature and scope

Human geography studies the relationship between the physical/natural and the human world.It shows the social and economic differences between different parts of the world.

Nature of human geography
Human geography studies the inter relationship between the physical environment and socio cultural. There are some elements too which include landforms, soils, climate, water, natural vegetation and diverse flora and fauna.

What is Naturalisation of human and humanisation of nature?

Human beings interact with their physical environment with the help of technology.

Technology indicates the level of cultural development of society. For instance the concept of friction and heat helped us to discover heat.

Knowledge about nature is extremely essential for all to produce or render the technology and we need to understand the environment that devoid this we can't able to develop technology.

What is environmental determinism?

The level of technology was very low and the stage of human social development was also primitive. This type of interaction between primitive human society and strong forces of nature was termed as environment determinism.

Friday, July 24, 2020

History (Ancient part 4)

VEDIC CULTURE (1500 BC-600 BC) (Ancient part 4)

▪︎Original home of aryans:
 • The location of the original home of the aryans still remains a controversial point. Some people believe that they were native to the soil of India and some other believe that they migrated from outside.

▪︎Vedic literature:
 • vedic literature comprises of four literary productions.
 1) The samhitas or vedas: Vedas had not created by man but God gifted. There are four vedas Rig veda (collection of lyrics), Yajur veda (book of sacrificial prayers) , Sama veda (book of chants) and Atharva veda (book of magical fofmulae). The first three vedas known as Vedatrayi.
 2) The Brahamans: It explains about hymns of the vedas.They are ritualistic in nature.
 3) The Aranyakas: The word Aranya means forest. They were written for the students living in jungles.
 4) The Upanishads: It is philosophical texts. They are  called vedanta.

▪︎Literature of vedic traditions (600 BC-600 AD)
 • It comprises 6 literary works.
 1) Vedangas/Sutras:
There are six vedangas.
a) Shiksha (phonotics). b)kalpa sutras (rituals).c)Vyakarana (grammar).d)Nirukta (etymology).e)Chhanda (metrics).f)Jyotisha(astronomy).
 2) Smritis Dharmashastras:
There are six famous smritis.a)Manu smriti. b)Yajnvalkya smriti. c) Narad smriti. d) Parashara smriti.e)  Brihaspati smriti. f) Katyayana smriti.
 3)Mahakavyas(Epics):There are two epics. a)The Ramayana b)The Mahabharata
 4) Purans: It means old. There are 18 famous Purans.
 5) Upvesas: These were traditionally associated with vedas.
 6) Shad-Dharshanas: There are 6 schools of Indian philosophy known as shad darshanas.

▪︎Vedic period
 • Early vedic period: Agriculture, barter system(cow and gold).
They were having liberalism and equality.
 • Later vedic period:
Vagurveda, Samveda, Atharveda. They shifted to eastern side. At that stance surplus crop production had started and trade activities were going on. Cities developed as mahajanpadas.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

History (Ancient part 3)

History (Ancient part 3)

▪︎CHALCO-LITHIC AGE (3,500 BC-1,000 BC)

The word chalcolithic is the combination of two greek words chalco (copper) and lithic (stone). In the beginning of copper was discovered later it was mixed with other metals such as tin or zinc.
The chalco lithic age is divided into three parts.
a) Pre harappan age: It represented the transition phase between Neolithic age and harappan age and it is gradual evolution of harappan civilization from local.
b) Harappan age: Three names are proposed for the civilization of harappan age as harappan civilization, indus civilization, saraswati civilization. It was the civilization of copper age.
c) Post harappan: Many different cultures came into existence in the region of Indian subcontinent.

▪︎IRON AGE (1,000 BC-500 BC)

When men used to implements of iron that age is known as iron age. Iron age is divided into three sub ages.
• First sub age: limited to minor regions such as Pakistan, karnataka and India etc.
• Second sub age: Gangetic region and karnataka.
• Third sub age: Major region of india.

• Literary evidences
The aryans of early vedic period had no knowledge about iron. They had used ayan word as metal but not in specific meaning of iron metal. By the time aryans of later vedic period had knowledge of iron.

• Archaeological evidences
Iron came into enforcement of agricultural activities and it had main participation in technology. The development of cities like 16 mahajanpadas in northern india. Archaeological finds of iron in the gangetic valley.

• Iron using cultures
These are cultures associated with iron age are a) Painted grey ware.
b) Northern black polished ware.
c) Megalith culture south india.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

History (ancient part 2)

History (Ancient part 2)



Africa was the original homeland of human. Africa is called the cradle of humankind.
Four steps of human evolution
a)Aystralopithecus Africanus: early ancestors of human.
b) Homo erectus: earliest biped human.
c) Homo sapien neanderthal: nomenclature on the basis of neanderthal.
d) Homo sapein sapien: latest ancestor of modern man.

▪︎LITHIC AGE OR THE STONE AGE (30,00,000BC-1,000 BC)

Archaeological evidences were found in which stone implements are in great amount. That's why it us called lithic age or stone age.
Stone age divided into three period.

a) paleolithic age or the old stone age: paleolithic word combination of two greek words. Paleo (old) and lithic (stone) and paleolithic Archaeological materials discovered by Robert Bruce. He is known as father of prehistoric Archaeology.
• Paleolithic people was totally primitive. They depended on hunting and nature given things and their food were meant, fruit or root.
• primitive man had little care about clothes. In rainy and winter seasons they needed to wrap their skins with the help of leaves or bark of the tree.
• They were unaware of funeral rites of the dead person. They left the dead person in open space with performing any ritual.

b) Mesolithic age or the middle stone age: This is the combination of two greek words Meso (middle) and lithic (stone). It is the intermediate stage between paleolithic age and neolithic age this is called Mesolithic age.This discovered by John   Evans.
• Now they used to begin domesticating the animals like dog, sheep, goat, ox, cow etc..
• These people were aware of burial process of the dead bodies.

c) Neolithic age or the new stone age: The term "Neolithic" is the combination of two greek words Neo (new) and lithic (stone). It is discovered by Dr.primrose.
• Human life of Neolithic age were crop cultivation, animal husbandry and fixed abode.
• Men started growing cotton and learnt about clothes.
• Men invented potter's wheel.