Wednesday, July 29, 2020

The world population


Patterns of population distribution in the world

Patterns of population and density help us to understand the demographic characteristics of any area. Population distribution it describes about that how much space has been occupied by people. What happened that we have 90%of the world population but we have 10% of its land area.

What are the factors influencing the distribution of population?

1) Geographical factors

a) Availability of water: It is the most crucial factor for life. We prefer to live in those areas which have sublime facility of water that it easily available. Water is used for drinking, bathing and cooking and for cattle too.
b) Landforms: People prefer to live on flat plains and gentle slopes. Why these areas choose by the people because it is favourable for the production of crops and to built roads and industries.
c) Climate: An extreme climate such as hot or cold deserts are uncomfortable for human habitation. Areas with the comfortable climate where there is not much seasonal variation attract more people.
d) Soils: fertile soils are important for agricultural and allied activities. Where these kind of soils available people are refer to live on them.

2) Economic factors

a) Industrialisation: Most of the people attract towards industries for employment.
b) Urbanisation: Cities have better employment opportunities, education and medical facilities, better means of transport and communication.
c) Minerals: Areas with minerals deposits attract industries. Mining and industrial activities generate employment.

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