Monday, August 10, 2020

Secondary activities


What is secondary activities?

Secondary activities add value to natural resources or primary resources by transforming raw materials into valuable products. 

What do you mean by manufacturing?

Manufacturing means that to make by hand but now it includes goods made by machines. Raw materials into finished goods of higher value.

                            Manufacturing industry

 Explain small scale manufacturing and large scale manufacturing?

Small scale manufacturing is indicated to household industries. This type of manufacturing uses local raw materials and it needs semi skilled labour. It provides employment to their population. 

Large scale manufacturing involves a large market, various raw material, enormous energy, specialized workers, advanced technology and large capital.

What is industries based on inputs or raw materials. Explain how many type of industries?

Industries based on inputs or raw materials mean that primary things which need fir secondary activities. Raw materials manufactured into secondary materials. 

The industries are classified as (a)agro based; (b)mineral based; (c)chemical based; (d)forest based; (e)animal based. 

a) Agro based industries

Agro processing includes the processing of raw materials from field. And the products ready for urban markets. This happens on major scale such as food processing, sugar, pickles, fruits juices, spices and oil etc.

b)Mineral based industries 

These industries also use as a raw material. Every industry use different things such as some use non ferrous and some ferrous. On the contrary some use metallic minerals and some non metallic minerals. 

c)Chemical based Industries 

These industries provide mineral oil, sulphur and potash. And it also use raw materials such as wood and coal.

d)Forest based raw materials 

Forest provide many major and minor products like wood,bamboo,grass and timber etc.

e)Animal based industries 

Here we have some examples for it like leather for leather industries and wool for woolen textiles and we obtained from animals.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Unification of Germany, italy and britain.



After 1848 nationalism was turned into a mere sentiment used by conservatives for promoting state power. Liberal initiatives were suppressed by monarchy, military and junkers(Prussian landowners).
Otto.von Bismarck he was a chief minister and he wanted to make strong German empire even he never favored democracy and liberalism. He only used military reforms for unification of germany.
Three wars had done in seven years among Austria, Demark, France, and Prussia. Prussia won in this wars and It became unified.
In January 1871 the prussian king William 1 he proclaimed german emperor  in a ceremony held at Versailles.
The new state placed a strong emphasis on modernizing the currency, Banking, Legal and judicial system.
At last with the help of all these efforts  Germany unification had done.

      Unification of germany(1866-71)


Italy was scattered into many dynastic states. In north had Austrian habsburgs which ruled by Pope and southern region had bourbon kings.
They had many regional and local variations. 
During the 1830s Giuseppe mazzini he wanted to unify the Italy. He formed a secret society called young Italy. 
Sardinian Piedmont was ruled by king victor Emmanuel 2nd. His terminology was that devoid wars we didn't get any liberty.
Chief minister cavour he famous for his diplomacy skills. He led the movement against Austria empire in 1859.
Giuseppe garibaldi he was Italian general. He fought a lot wars and Peasants gave him support. 
In 1861 the kingdom of two sicilies won and italy unified. victor Emmanuel announced as a king of Italy.

          Italian states before unification 1858

           Italy after unification 


Formation of a state was not due to Sudden upheaval or revolution. There were so many ethnic groups such as Irish, English, Welsh and Scots. 
English nation was steadily grew up in way of wealth and  power and it became important. 
English parliament seized power from the monarchy in 1688. Act of 1707 between England and Scotland led to the formation of United kingdom of Great Britain. 
English was influenced on Scotland and Ireland was divided into two parts Catholics and protestants. 
English supported protestants .
Wolf stone he formed a group called United irishmen. They revolted in 1798. Britain became a nation state with its British flag and national anthem.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Primary activities


What is the definition of primary activity and what kind of activities are including in it?

Primary activities are directly dependent on environment, many resources referred by this such as land, water, vegetation, building materials and minerals. 
It thus includes hunting, fishing, agriculture, and mining and quarrying.

What do mean by hunting and gathering?

In ancient time people were dependent upon environment. They did hunting and gathering. 
People located in cold and extremely hot climates survived on hunting. 
Many species now have become extinct or endangered due to illegal hunting. 
People of Ancient time they used primitive tools which had made by stones, twigs or arrows.

What is pastoralism?

When people started realizing that hunting is an unsustainable activity then human beings might have thought of domestication of animal. Depending on the Geographical factors and technological development. 

What kind of pastoralism ?

It has two types such as nomadic herding and commercial livestock rearing.
Nomadic herding means pastoral nomadism it is primitive subsistence activity in which the people rely on animals for food, clothing, shelter, tools and transport. They move one place to another.
Commercial livestock rearing it is essentially associated with western cultures. There are some important animals too such as sheep, goats, cattle and horses. We get products from them like meat,wool,hides and skin.