Sunday, August 2, 2020

Primary activities


What is the definition of primary activity and what kind of activities are including in it?

Primary activities are directly dependent on environment, many resources referred by this such as land, water, vegetation, building materials and minerals. 
It thus includes hunting, fishing, agriculture, and mining and quarrying.

What do mean by hunting and gathering?

In ancient time people were dependent upon environment. They did hunting and gathering. 
People located in cold and extremely hot climates survived on hunting. 
Many species now have become extinct or endangered due to illegal hunting. 
People of Ancient time they used primitive tools which had made by stones, twigs or arrows.

What is pastoralism?

When people started realizing that hunting is an unsustainable activity then human beings might have thought of domestication of animal. Depending on the Geographical factors and technological development. 

What kind of pastoralism ?

It has two types such as nomadic herding and commercial livestock rearing.
Nomadic herding means pastoral nomadism it is primitive subsistence activity in which the people rely on animals for food, clothing, shelter, tools and transport. They move one place to another.
Commercial livestock rearing it is essentially associated with western cultures. There are some important animals too such as sheep, goats, cattle and horses. We get products from them like meat,wool,hides and skin.

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