What is secondary activities?
Secondary activities add value to natural resources or primary resources by transforming raw materials into valuable products.
What do you mean by manufacturing?
Manufacturing means that to make by hand but now it includes goods made by machines. Raw materials into finished goods of higher value.
Manufacturing industry
Explain small scale manufacturing and large scale manufacturing?
Small scale manufacturing is indicated to household industries. This type of manufacturing uses local raw materials and it needs semi skilled labour. It provides employment to their population.
Large scale manufacturing involves a large market, various raw material, enormous energy, specialized workers, advanced technology and large capital.
What is industries based on inputs or raw materials. Explain how many type of industries?
Industries based on inputs or raw materials mean that primary things which need fir secondary activities. Raw materials manufactured into secondary materials.
The industries are classified as (a)agro based; (b)mineral based; (c)chemical based; (d)forest based; (e)animal based.
a) Agro based industries
Agro processing includes the processing of raw materials from field. And the products ready for urban markets. This happens on major scale such as food processing, sugar, pickles, fruits juices, spices and oil etc.
b)Mineral based industries
These industries also use as a raw material. Every industry use different things such as some use non ferrous and some ferrous. On the contrary some use metallic minerals and some non metallic minerals.
c)Chemical based Industries
These industries provide mineral oil, sulphur and potash. And it also use raw materials such as wood and coal.
d)Forest based raw materials
Forest provide many major and minor products like wood,bamboo,grass and timber etc.
e)Animal based industries
Here we have some examples for it like leather for leather industries and wool for woolen textiles and we obtained from animals.
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