Thursday, April 30, 2020



Society is the root of our environment. Which can render optimistic or negative?             
The choice is ours.......what we would like to choose?                         
Here this side Simran Wadhwa. Today I would like to throw light on this huge issue is regarding society. It has a giant role in everyone's life.

How we run it?  It is in our hands. What kind of thing, we are keeping in our minds. Totally up to us...           
So all the age groups who are reading this article..." Awake from sleep" We have to change our society in a positive way. We all are the ones who make it pious. There are many issues such as :
1) uneducated people. (Education)     
2) unemployed people. 
3) violence.                   
4) poverty.                       
5) child labor.                     

Which has been combating by us on a daily basis? Because we think that we don't have the fortitude to raise our voice against it. So, guys, we all have the courage to stop this. Just have faith in yourself...     
Now the time has started for doing something for ourselves, not for others. Not for Society that what society will say or think if I wear short dresses. just let it be and start live your life foolishly.    Love yourself...             

It's time to fight for yourself... Raise your voice. Get the stream which u want.Do the things which u want
Marry with yourself right now make promises with yourself that u would be let u go.When you love yourself then you will able to give love to others.Do something in which you have interest.Believe in yourself first then believe in others. "Love Love"..🖤 "Motivated"🌸✏️📚

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