What is water?
Water is essential for our life devoid it we cannot survive in every step of our life we need water.There are three fourth of the earth's surface is covered with water, but only a small proportion of its accounts for fresh water that can be put to use this freshwater is obtained from groundwater. It is being renewed or recycled by hydrological cycle and it ensure that water is renewable source.
Many uses of water such as in agricultural,industrial,household,recreational and environmental activities.
Where water scarcity likely to occur?
1) water scarcity may be an outcome of large and growing population and on the other hand water has greater in demand.
2) A large population means more water not only for domestic use but also to produce more food.
3) Hence to facilitate higher food grain production water resources are being over exploited to expand irrigation areas and dry season agriculture.
4) many farmers have their own Wells and tube Wells for irrigation to increase their produce.
5) There is disadvantage also is that groundwater levels, adversely affecting water availability and for security of the people.
6) Housing societies or colonies in the cities,you would see that most of these have, own groundwater pumping devices. This scarcity may be due to bad quality of water.
How to conserve the water?
1) Hydraulic structure (this is a ancient related) like dams built of Stone rubble or lakes, embankments and canals for irrigation.
2) Water supply for domestic and industrial uses, Flood control, recreation, inland navigation and fish breeding.
3) The Giraud project in the mahanadi basin integrates conservation of water with flood control.
4) Multipurpose project, launched after independence with their integrated water resources management approach.
What is water?
Water is essential for our life devoid it we cannot survive in every step of our life we need water.There are three fourth of the earth's surface is covered with water, but only a small proportion of its accounts for fresh water that can be put to use this freshwater is obtained from groundwater. It is being renewed or recycled by hydrological cycle and it ensure that water is renewable source.
Many uses of water such as in agricultural,industrial,household,recreational and environmental activities.
Where water scarcity likely to occur?
1) water scarcity may be an outcome of large and growing population and on the other hand water has greater in demand.
2) A large population means more water not only for domestic use but also to produce more food.
3) Hence to facilitate higher food grain production water resources are being over exploited to expand irrigation areas and dry season agriculture.
4) many farmers have their own Wells and tube Wells for irrigation to increase their produce.
5) There is disadvantage also is that groundwater levels, adversely affecting water availability and for security of the people.
6) Housing societies or colonies in the cities,you would see that most of these have, own groundwater pumping devices. This scarcity may be due to bad quality of water.
How to conserve the water?
1) Hydraulic structure (this is a ancient related) like dams built of Stone rubble or lakes, embankments and canals for irrigation.
2) Water supply for domestic and industrial uses, Flood control, recreation, inland navigation and fish breeding.
3) The Giraud project in the mahanadi basin integrates conservation of water with flood control.
4) Multipurpose project, launched after independence with their integrated water resources management approach.
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