Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Gender discrimination

Gender based discrimination against female children is pervading across the world. As per the literature female has been treated inferior by Male gender. Due to this inferior female fail to understand their rights and they start demotivating themselves. This is deeply chasing in the mind of women.

Why we say India is Male dominated country? There are two main factors on which discrimination or inequality takes place first one is educational inequality and second one is health inequality. These are the indicators of women's welfare. In india irrespective of the caste, creed, religion and social status all these status of woman is lower than man. A Male child is postulated as a blessings and on the other hand girls are considered as a burden.

In fact the women are becoming targets of genetic atrocities of many types. Discrimination against them from very early period. Women lives in problems such as early marriage, domestic activity and lesser
Education. They have been discriminated against from early childhood. The girl child is usually burdened with responsibilities that are beyond her capacity.

However some Indian women have been able to overcome the barriers in their path and became successful in many walks of life. Today the presence of women are indulging in various occupations and public offices. They are giving their equal hand and now they are more active towards their rights .

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