Sunday, June 21, 2020

French revolution


In 1789 France was under the rule of absolute monarch (A form of government in which  single individual, often called a king or queen, exercises complete control over all aspects of government. The position of monarch in such a country is hereditary) after this french revolutionaries introduced various major practices that could create a sense of collective identity amongst the french people.

▪︎A new French flag.
▪︎Active citizens.
▪︎Renamed the national assembly.
▪︎Hyms were composed.
▪︎Oaths taken.
▪︎Martyrs commemorated.
▪︎Internal custom duties and due were abolished.
▪︎French language was spoken and Parisian language use in written works.
▪︎Students and other members of educated middle classes began to sit up jacobin clubs.

ARMY GENERAL NAPOLEAN (civil code of 1804 napolenic code)
• Did away all privileges based on birth.
• Estalished equality before the law.
• Secured the right to property.

• Administration divisions
• Abolished the feudal system.
• Freed peasants from serfdom and manorial dues.
• Transportation and communication system were improved.
• Peasants, Artisans, Workers and New businessmen enjoyed a new found freedom.

Problems : Increased taxation, censorship, forced conscription into the french armies required to conquer the rest of European all seemed to outweigh the advantage of the administration changes

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