Monday, August 10, 2020

Secondary activities


What is secondary activities?

Secondary activities add value to natural resources or primary resources by transforming raw materials into valuable products. 

What do you mean by manufacturing?

Manufacturing means that to make by hand but now it includes goods made by machines. Raw materials into finished goods of higher value.

                            Manufacturing industry

 Explain small scale manufacturing and large scale manufacturing?

Small scale manufacturing is indicated to household industries. This type of manufacturing uses local raw materials and it needs semi skilled labour. It provides employment to their population. 

Large scale manufacturing involves a large market, various raw material, enormous energy, specialized workers, advanced technology and large capital.

What is industries based on inputs or raw materials. Explain how many type of industries?

Industries based on inputs or raw materials mean that primary things which need fir secondary activities. Raw materials manufactured into secondary materials. 

The industries are classified as (a)agro based; (b)mineral based; (c)chemical based; (d)forest based; (e)animal based. 

a) Agro based industries

Agro processing includes the processing of raw materials from field. And the products ready for urban markets. This happens on major scale such as food processing, sugar, pickles, fruits juices, spices and oil etc.

b)Mineral based industries 

These industries also use as a raw material. Every industry use different things such as some use non ferrous and some ferrous. On the contrary some use metallic minerals and some non metallic minerals. 

c)Chemical based Industries 

These industries provide mineral oil, sulphur and potash. And it also use raw materials such as wood and coal.

d)Forest based raw materials 

Forest provide many major and minor products like wood,bamboo,grass and timber etc.

e)Animal based industries 

Here we have some examples for it like leather for leather industries and wool for woolen textiles and we obtained from animals.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Unification of Germany, italy and britain.



After 1848 nationalism was turned into a mere sentiment used by conservatives for promoting state power. Liberal initiatives were suppressed by monarchy, military and junkers(Prussian landowners).
Otto.von Bismarck he was a chief minister and he wanted to make strong German empire even he never favored democracy and liberalism. He only used military reforms for unification of germany.
Three wars had done in seven years among Austria, Demark, France, and Prussia. Prussia won in this wars and It became unified.
In January 1871 the prussian king William 1 he proclaimed german emperor  in a ceremony held at Versailles.
The new state placed a strong emphasis on modernizing the currency, Banking, Legal and judicial system.
At last with the help of all these efforts  Germany unification had done.

      Unification of germany(1866-71)


Italy was scattered into many dynastic states. In north had Austrian habsburgs which ruled by Pope and southern region had bourbon kings.
They had many regional and local variations. 
During the 1830s Giuseppe mazzini he wanted to unify the Italy. He formed a secret society called young Italy. 
Sardinian Piedmont was ruled by king victor Emmanuel 2nd. His terminology was that devoid wars we didn't get any liberty.
Chief minister cavour he famous for his diplomacy skills. He led the movement against Austria empire in 1859.
Giuseppe garibaldi he was Italian general. He fought a lot wars and Peasants gave him support. 
In 1861 the kingdom of two sicilies won and italy unified. victor Emmanuel announced as a king of Italy.

          Italian states before unification 1858

           Italy after unification 


Formation of a state was not due to Sudden upheaval or revolution. There were so many ethnic groups such as Irish, English, Welsh and Scots. 
English nation was steadily grew up in way of wealth and  power and it became important. 
English parliament seized power from the monarchy in 1688. Act of 1707 between England and Scotland led to the formation of United kingdom of Great Britain. 
English was influenced on Scotland and Ireland was divided into two parts Catholics and protestants. 
English supported protestants .
Wolf stone he formed a group called United irishmen. They revolted in 1798. Britain became a nation state with its British flag and national anthem.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Primary activities


What is the definition of primary activity and what kind of activities are including in it?

Primary activities are directly dependent on environment, many resources referred by this such as land, water, vegetation, building materials and minerals. 
It thus includes hunting, fishing, agriculture, and mining and quarrying.

What do mean by hunting and gathering?

In ancient time people were dependent upon environment. They did hunting and gathering. 
People located in cold and extremely hot climates survived on hunting. 
Many species now have become extinct or endangered due to illegal hunting. 
People of Ancient time they used primitive tools which had made by stones, twigs or arrows.

What is pastoralism?

When people started realizing that hunting is an unsustainable activity then human beings might have thought of domestication of animal. Depending on the Geographical factors and technological development. 

What kind of pastoralism ?

It has two types such as nomadic herding and commercial livestock rearing.
Nomadic herding means pastoral nomadism it is primitive subsistence activity in which the people rely on animals for food, clothing, shelter, tools and transport. They move one place to another.
Commercial livestock rearing it is essentially associated with western cultures. There are some important animals too such as sheep, goats, cattle and horses. We get products from them like meat,wool,hides and skin.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Human development

                     HUMAN DEVELOPMENT

▪︎Growth and Development

•Growth is quantitative and value neutral. It may have negative and positive sign.

•Development means a qualitative change. which always value positive.

▪︎The four pillars of human development.

•Equity refers to equal rights or opportunities. People must be treated equally irrespective of their gender,race,income and caste.

•Sustainability means continuity in the availability of opportunities. Each generation must have same opportunities. Future generations have right to get all availability devoid any lackness.

•Productivity means human labour productivity. It depends upon that how much caliber,efforts a person is that will render the economy. If we have great knowledge and health facility that will lead to work efficiency.

•Empowerment means to have the power to make choices. Power comes from freedom and capability.

▪︎Approach to human development

•Income approach it is necessary for all and the idea of level of income reflects the level of freedom an individual enjoys.

•Welfare approach it comes with better amenities, education,health,social secondary and other facilities.The government is responsible for increasing levels of human development.

•Basic needs approach there are six basic needs health, education,food,water supply, sanitation and housing.

•Capability approach one should be having the capability for getting education and have good health.these are the basically key of human development.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

The world population


Patterns of population distribution in the world

Patterns of population and density help us to understand the demographic characteristics of any area. Population distribution it describes about that how much space has been occupied by people. What happened that we have 90%of the world population but we have 10% of its land area.

What are the factors influencing the distribution of population?

1) Geographical factors

a) Availability of water: It is the most crucial factor for life. We prefer to live in those areas which have sublime facility of water that it easily available. Water is used for drinking, bathing and cooking and for cattle too.
b) Landforms: People prefer to live on flat plains and gentle slopes. Why these areas choose by the people because it is favourable for the production of crops and to built roads and industries.
c) Climate: An extreme climate such as hot or cold deserts are uncomfortable for human habitation. Areas with the comfortable climate where there is not much seasonal variation attract more people.
d) Soils: fertile soils are important for agricultural and allied activities. Where these kind of soils available people are refer to live on them.

2) Economic factors

a) Industrialisation: Most of the people attract towards industries for employment.
b) Urbanisation: Cities have better employment opportunities, education and medical facilities, better means of transport and communication.
c) Minerals: Areas with minerals deposits attract industries. Mining and industrial activities generate employment.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Human geography scope and nature.

Nature and scope

Human geography studies the relationship between the physical/natural and the human world.It shows the social and economic differences between different parts of the world.

Nature of human geography
Human geography studies the inter relationship between the physical environment and socio cultural. There are some elements too which include landforms, soils, climate, water, natural vegetation and diverse flora and fauna.

What is Naturalisation of human and humanisation of nature?

Human beings interact with their physical environment with the help of technology.

Technology indicates the level of cultural development of society. For instance the concept of friction and heat helped us to discover heat.

Knowledge about nature is extremely essential for all to produce or render the technology and we need to understand the environment that devoid this we can't able to develop technology.

What is environmental determinism?

The level of technology was very low and the stage of human social development was also primitive. This type of interaction between primitive human society and strong forces of nature was termed as environment determinism.

Friday, July 24, 2020

History (Ancient part 4)

VEDIC CULTURE (1500 BC-600 BC) (Ancient part 4)

▪︎Original home of aryans:
 • The location of the original home of the aryans still remains a controversial point. Some people believe that they were native to the soil of India and some other believe that they migrated from outside.

▪︎Vedic literature:
 • vedic literature comprises of four literary productions.
 1) The samhitas or vedas: Vedas had not created by man but God gifted. There are four vedas Rig veda (collection of lyrics), Yajur veda (book of sacrificial prayers) , Sama veda (book of chants) and Atharva veda (book of magical fofmulae). The first three vedas known as Vedatrayi.
 2) The Brahamans: It explains about hymns of the vedas.They are ritualistic in nature.
 3) The Aranyakas: The word Aranya means forest. They were written for the students living in jungles.
 4) The Upanishads: It is philosophical texts. They are  called vedanta.

▪︎Literature of vedic traditions (600 BC-600 AD)
 • It comprises 6 literary works.
 1) Vedangas/Sutras:
There are six vedangas.
a) Shiksha (phonotics). b)kalpa sutras (rituals).c)Vyakarana (grammar).d)Nirukta (etymology).e)Chhanda (metrics).f)Jyotisha(astronomy).
 2) Smritis Dharmashastras:
There are six famous smritis.a)Manu smriti. b)Yajnvalkya smriti. c) Narad smriti. d) Parashara smriti.e)  Brihaspati smriti. f) Katyayana smriti.
 3)Mahakavyas(Epics):There are two epics. a)The Ramayana b)The Mahabharata
 4) Purans: It means old. There are 18 famous Purans.
 5) Upvesas: These were traditionally associated with vedas.
 6) Shad-Dharshanas: There are 6 schools of Indian philosophy known as shad darshanas.

▪︎Vedic period
 • Early vedic period: Agriculture, barter system(cow and gold).
They were having liberalism and equality.
 • Later vedic period:
Vagurveda, Samveda, Atharveda. They shifted to eastern side. At that stance surplus crop production had started and trade activities were going on. Cities developed as mahajanpadas.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

History (Ancient part 3)

History (Ancient part 3)

▪︎CHALCO-LITHIC AGE (3,500 BC-1,000 BC)

The word chalcolithic is the combination of two greek words chalco (copper) and lithic (stone). In the beginning of copper was discovered later it was mixed with other metals such as tin or zinc.
The chalco lithic age is divided into three parts.
a) Pre harappan age: It represented the transition phase between Neolithic age and harappan age and it is gradual evolution of harappan civilization from local.
b) Harappan age: Three names are proposed for the civilization of harappan age as harappan civilization, indus civilization, saraswati civilization. It was the civilization of copper age.
c) Post harappan: Many different cultures came into existence in the region of Indian subcontinent.

▪︎IRON AGE (1,000 BC-500 BC)

When men used to implements of iron that age is known as iron age. Iron age is divided into three sub ages.
• First sub age: limited to minor regions such as Pakistan, karnataka and India etc.
• Second sub age: Gangetic region and karnataka.
• Third sub age: Major region of india.

• Literary evidences
The aryans of early vedic period had no knowledge about iron. They had used ayan word as metal but not in specific meaning of iron metal. By the time aryans of later vedic period had knowledge of iron.

• Archaeological evidences
Iron came into enforcement of agricultural activities and it had main participation in technology. The development of cities like 16 mahajanpadas in northern india. Archaeological finds of iron in the gangetic valley.

• Iron using cultures
These are cultures associated with iron age are a) Painted grey ware.
b) Northern black polished ware.
c) Megalith culture south india.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

History (ancient part 2)

History (Ancient part 2)



Africa was the original homeland of human. Africa is called the cradle of humankind.
Four steps of human evolution
a)Aystralopithecus Africanus: early ancestors of human.
b) Homo erectus: earliest biped human.
c) Homo sapien neanderthal: nomenclature on the basis of neanderthal.
d) Homo sapein sapien: latest ancestor of modern man.

▪︎LITHIC AGE OR THE STONE AGE (30,00,000BC-1,000 BC)

Archaeological evidences were found in which stone implements are in great amount. That's why it us called lithic age or stone age.
Stone age divided into three period.

a) paleolithic age or the old stone age: paleolithic word combination of two greek words. Paleo (old) and lithic (stone) and paleolithic Archaeological materials discovered by Robert Bruce. He is known as father of prehistoric Archaeology.
• Paleolithic people was totally primitive. They depended on hunting and nature given things and their food were meant, fruit or root.
• primitive man had little care about clothes. In rainy and winter seasons they needed to wrap their skins with the help of leaves or bark of the tree.
• They were unaware of funeral rites of the dead person. They left the dead person in open space with performing any ritual.

b) Mesolithic age or the middle stone age: This is the combination of two greek words Meso (middle) and lithic (stone). It is the intermediate stage between paleolithic age and neolithic age this is called Mesolithic age.This discovered by John   Evans.
• Now they used to begin domesticating the animals like dog, sheep, goat, ox, cow etc..
• These people were aware of burial process of the dead bodies.

c) Neolithic age or the new stone age: The term "Neolithic" is the combination of two greek words Neo (new) and lithic (stone). It is discovered by Dr.primrose.
• Human life of Neolithic age were crop cultivation, animal husbandry and fixed abode.
• Men started growing cotton and learnt about clothes.
• Men invented potter's wheel.

Monday, June 29, 2020

History (ancient part1)

HISTORY (Ancient part 1)

Short introduction of history.
This is the study of past events and "history" word is derived from the Greek word  Historica. It means research, inquiry and investigation. The Greek historian herodotus was the first real historian of the world.

Chronology: German historian Christoph cellarius was the first historian who gave us tripartite division of history. He divided into three  part Ancient, Medieval, Modern history.

The sources that give information about the past life as there are two types of historical sources : Literary source and Archaeological source.

DIvided into two categories: Indigenous and foreign.
A) Indigenous sources
Indigenous sources are divided  into two categories Religious and Secular.

 • Under Brahmana text shruti (samhitas or vedas) and smriti texts (sutras, epic) are included.
• There are four samhitas or vedas Rig veda, Yajur veda, Sama veda and Atharva veda.
• It is divided into two categories pali text and anupali texts.
• The jain texts throw light on Religious and social conditions of that time.

• Although there is no such text of Ancient India that can be properly called historical text because almost every texts had written jn Literary or religious colour.
• Kalidasa's malvikagnimitra is a play book.It is first play written by him. It provides information about political conditions of shung dynasty.

• The writings of foreign travellers and Chroniclers provide valuable sources of Ancient Indian history .
To India came Greek, Chinese, Tibetan etc.

• Scylax he was the first person who wrote about India.
• Hecataeus Milletus was a greek historian and geographer. His knowledge was limited to indus valley.
• Herodotus was the father of history. He wrote famous text historics.
( there are many other also who wrote texts )
• Suma chien was the first writer who wrote about India.
• Pan ku & han vay his texts contain valuable information about kushan rulers.
• Hwuill wrote biography of his friend hiuen tsang namely life of hiuen tsang. It throws some light on indian history.

Origin & Development of Indian archaeology.
Sir William Jones founded the asiatic society of Bengal in 1784 AD.
• The most important sources among Archaeological sources.
• It is divided into two parts foreign and indigenous.
• There are some other things  such as gupta coins, foreign coins, monuments.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Nationalism in Europe


● Mid eighteenth century Europe was not a nation state.
● Divided into kingdoms:
 • Germany
 • Italy
 • Switzerland
● Eastern and Central Europe (under autocratic monarchies)
● Different languages and ethnic groups.

     High class people but Small in population. The Spoke french language and owned businesses.
     They known as commercial classes  also. They were educated.
     Large in population and they            worked as tenants and small owners.
COMMERCIAL CLASS Wanted freedom and nation should have as liberal. That ideas of national unity following the abolition of aristocracy privileges gained popularity.

▪︎NEPOLENIC CODE Went back to limited suffrage and reduced women to the status of a minor subject to the authority of father and husband.
No restrictions on the movement of goods and capital by government.
The creation of a network of railways, mobility and economic interest to national unification.

Between European powers and Napoleon. And he was defeated by them.

Traditional institutions of state and society like:
• The family
• The monarchy
• The church
• Property
• Social hierarchies.

• A modern army, efficient bureaucracy, a dynamic economy.
• The abolition of feudalism and serfdom.

• Censorship laws: Newspapers, plays, books, songs etc..

Liberal nationalist
• Secret societies were established by them and spread their ideas.
• Giuseppe mazzini he was revolutionary and member of secret society ( young Italy in marseilles and young Europe jn berne).

This unification alone could be the basis of Italian liberty.
Conservatives they were frightened.
At last they got liberalism.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

French revolution


In 1789 France was under the rule of absolute monarch (A form of government in which  single individual, often called a king or queen, exercises complete control over all aspects of government. The position of monarch in such a country is hereditary) after this french revolutionaries introduced various major practices that could create a sense of collective identity amongst the french people.

▪︎A new French flag.
▪︎Active citizens.
▪︎Renamed the national assembly.
▪︎Hyms were composed.
▪︎Oaths taken.
▪︎Martyrs commemorated.
▪︎Internal custom duties and due were abolished.
▪︎French language was spoken and Parisian language use in written works.
▪︎Students and other members of educated middle classes began to sit up jacobin clubs.

ARMY GENERAL NAPOLEAN (civil code of 1804 napolenic code)
• Did away all privileges based on birth.
• Estalished equality before the law.
• Secured the right to property.

• Administration divisions
• Abolished the feudal system.
• Freed peasants from serfdom and manorial dues.
• Transportation and communication system were improved.
• Peasants, Artisans, Workers and New businessmen enjoyed a new found freedom.

Problems : Increased taxation, censorship, forced conscription into the french armies required to conquer the rest of European all seemed to outweigh the advantage of the administration changes

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Civil disobedience


February 1922 Non cooperation movement had been withdrawn by Gandhiji.

SOME CONGRESS MEMBERS FAVORED to participate in council elections. Swaraj party had formed by C.R Das and Motilal nehru.

SOME WERE DISFAVORED: Jawaharlal nehru and Subhas Chandra Bose favored radical mass struggle and full independence.

During the situation of internal debate. There were some other things that brought changes in Indian politics.
1) Economic depression
Prices of agricultural goods fell.( Britishers were rendering ready for world war) that's why they had been getting huge taxes from Indian.
2) SIMON Commission was setup under Sir John Simon for constitutional reforms .( there were not present any single Indian)
▪︎Demonstration by all the parties like Congress and Muslim league.
▪︎Lord Irwin made unreal promise of granting dominion status .
▪︎Round table conference had been organized for discussing future construction.
Note: Indian had not believed on lord Irwin because he didn't give them specific date or time.

Purna swaraj in Lahore session of Congress 1929.
26 January 1930 to be celebrated as Independence Day. But it couldn't have attract by many people .
Gandhiji decided to take some concrete steps.

▪︎Wrote a letter to lord Irwin stating demands of different groups.
▪︎Included different groups in order to create unity.
▪︎Demand of abolition of salt tax.
Note: If the demands were not fulfilled by 11 March than the congress would launch a civil disobedience campaign.

On 12th March 1930 gandhiji started salt March from sabarmati to dandi.

Civil disobedience
• Salt law was broken.
• Liquor shops were picketed.
• Boycott of foreign clothes.
• Non payment of taxes.
• Village officials resigned.

Aftermath: Government started arresting political leaders. This lead to violence between police and people.
With this again Gandhiji called off the movement.

▪︎ lord Irwin invited Gandhiji jn round table conference in London.
▪︎Failure of round table conference 1931 London.
▪︎when he returned to India the SITUATION OF INDIA  HAD  TOTALLY CHANGED.
• Abdul ghaffar Khan and nehru were in jail .
• Congress was declared illegal.
• Prevention of meetings and demonstrations.

Again : civil disobedience movement was relaunched.
But now people were not ready to participate.

▪︎ Peasants : Reduction in revenue and no rent .
▪︎Business class : They were against the policies that restricted business and wanted protection against imported goods. They demanded rupee sterling foreign exchange.
▪︎ Industrial workers : Some participated in the movement. They boycott foreign clothes and workers fought against low wages.

▪︎ Untouchables : who called themselves dalit . Initially the Congress ignored them. Gandhiji supported them.

At last we can say that when the civil disobedience movement started there was distrust and suspicion between various social groups as most of them felt that they were being alienated.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Gender discrimination

Gender based discrimination against female children is pervading across the world. As per the literature female has been treated inferior by Male gender. Due to this inferior female fail to understand their rights and they start demotivating themselves. This is deeply chasing in the mind of women.

Why we say India is Male dominated country? There are two main factors on which discrimination or inequality takes place first one is educational inequality and second one is health inequality. These are the indicators of women's welfare. In india irrespective of the caste, creed, religion and social status all these status of woman is lower than man. A Male child is postulated as a blessings and on the other hand girls are considered as a burden.

In fact the women are becoming targets of genetic atrocities of many types. Discrimination against them from very early period. Women lives in problems such as early marriage, domestic activity and lesser
Education. They have been discriminated against from early childhood. The girl child is usually burdened with responsibilities that are beyond her capacity.

However some Indian women have been able to overcome the barriers in their path and became successful in many walks of life. Today the presence of women are indulging in various occupations and public offices. They are giving their equal hand and now they are more active towards their rights .

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Agricultural resource


What do you mean by agriculture?
India is an agricultural important country. Two thirds of its population is engaged in agricultural activities.
Agriculture is a primary activity which produces most of the food that we consume. Such as food grains and also non food crops like raw material for various industries.

Types of Farming
Agriculture is an age old economic activity. There are some characteristics on which the cultivation depends such as environment, technology, socio cultural practices.

Primitive subsistence Farming: This type of farming is still practised in few pockets of India. It is practised on small patches of land with the help of primitive tools like hoe,dao and digging sticks. And it is only for family that they are indulging themself with it for their needs. This type of farming counts upon monsoon, natural fertility of the soil and other environmental conditions. Basically it is a 'slash and burn' agriculture. Farmers clear a patch of land and when the soil fertility decreases, the farmers shift and clear  fresh patch of land for cultivation.

Intensive subsistence Farming: This type of farming is practised in areas of high population pressure on land. It is obtaining higher production.

Commercial Farming: This type of farming is the use of higher doses of modern inputs, example.chemical ,insecticides and pesticides in order to obtain higher productivity. For example, rice is a commercial crop in Haryana and Punjab.

Mixed farming: This type of Farming found in the highly developed parts of the world. There are some crops such as wheat,barley,oats,rye,maize,fodder and root crops.

Dairy farming: It is very advanced farming.It is highly capital intensive. Animal sheds,storage facilities for fodder,feeding andmachines addto thecost of dairy farming.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Energy resources


what do you mean by energy resources?
Energy is required for all activities. It is needed to cook, to provide light and heat, to drive machinery in industries.
Energy resources can be classified in two ways:

a) Conventional sources : It includes some sources such as firewood, cattle dung cake, coal, petroleum, natural gas and electricity etc.

what is coal and in what ways it is used?
Coal is conventional sources of energy.It is the most abundantly available fossil fuel. It used for power generation, to supply energy to industry as well as for domestic needs. What is the formation of coal?              Coal is formed due the compression of plants material over millions of years. It's formation depends on the depth and time of burial.
Lignite : It is a low grade brown coal, which is soft with high moisture content. It is found in Tamil nadu and used for generation of electricity.          Bituminous : Coal that has been buried deep and subjected to increased temperatures is bituminous coal. It is most popular coal in commercial use.  Where coal occurs in rock series?          Main geological ages, namely gondwana, a little over 200 million years in age. The major resources of gondwana coal which is located in damodar valley. Jharia, raniganj, bokaro are important coalfields.

What is petroleum and what are the ways of using it ?
Petroleum or mineral oil is the next major energy source in India.It provides fuel for heat and lighting and raw materials for a number of manufacturing indutries.                    Where petroleum gas is found ?Petroleum gas is found in fault traps between porous and non porous rocks. Gas being lighter usually occurs above the oil. About 63% of Indian's petroleum production from Mumbai, 18% from Gujarat and 16% from Assam.

Natural gas  is an important clean energy resource. It is used as a source of energy as well as an Industrial .Natural gas is considered an environment friendly.
Where it is found?
Large reserves of natural gas have been discovered in the Krishna godavari basin. Andaman and Nicobar islands are also important areas too.

b) Non conventional sources : It includes solar, wind, tidal, geothermal etc.
India is a tropical country. It has enormous possibilities of tapping solar energy. Solar power plants are being established in different parts of India. Which in turn will contribute to environmental conservation.

India has great potential of wind power. The largest wind farm is located in Tamil nadu from nagarcoil to Madurai.

3) It refers to the heat and electricity produced. Groundwater in such areas absorbs heat from the rocks and becomes hot.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Stand up women

A woman Kavita who is 65 years of age recount her story when she was brought into the world her mom was being insulted by her parents-in-law's family and she contacted as well. Her lady outfit up she needed to go to class for getting training however her dad ate. She couldn't get any sort of instruction than she was at 17 years old she got hitched with 25 years of age man.

Commemorates!! It is an account of Kavita there are a lot more Kavita too who are enduring, not ready to speak more loudly, don't get any rights, regard as well. What sort of life Kavita experienced that since birth she had been listening that young ladies are made for a household course and they would not ready to go outside of the house their life is in four dividers.

Why young ladies are quiet? It is safe to say that they are not able? Have they not fearlessness for getting their privileges? Are the not mindful of instruction? Are the stifled by family and society?

Young ladies have strength, boldness, capacity, and want. They can do anything, they can speak loudly also. They have benefits for getting their privileges and society must be changed their reasoning in light of the fact that their manner of thinking would not impact just young ladies yet in addition to the entire world, destitute them the world is nothing. We ought not to transform others thinking just we change ourselves and attempt to spread inspiration and mindfulness towards training.

Further more I would illuminate a few lines that There are mottos, promotions, mindfulness programs, and so forth. Our legislature is doing admirably for young ladies however it isn't sufficient again I a rehashing that it isn't sufficient we need to deal with our manner of thinking which will certifiably change our reality. On the off chance that we instruct them, that means we show our reality. Will see soon hopeful or productive repercussions.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Soil resource


what is soil?
Soil is the most important renewable natural resource. It is the main medium of plant growth and different types of living organisms on the earth. Chemical and organic changes which take place in the soils are equally important. Soil also consist of organic and inorganic materials.

What are the factors which are responsible for soil formation?
There are some factors such as colour, thickness, texture, age, Chemical and physical properties etc.

What are the types of soil ?
1) Alluvial soils.
2) Black soil.
3) Red and Yellow soils.
4) Laterite soil.
5) Arid soil.
Explanation of the type of soil one by one:
This is the most widely spread soil. The entire northern plains are made of alluvial soil. The soil has been deposited by three important Himalayas river system the Indus, the ganga and the Brahmaputra. This soil consist of various proportion of sand, silt and clay. Alluvial soils as a whole are very fertile. These soils contain potash, phosphoric acid and lime.which are ideal for the growth of sugarcane,paddy,whear and pulse ccros.

These soils are black in colour and it is known as regur soil. This soil is ideal for growing cotton and it also known as black cotton soil. Soil counts on climatic condition. They cover the plateueaus of Maharashtra, saurashtra, malwa and chhattisgarh.They are well known for their capacity to hold moisture. They are rich in nutrients such as calcium carbonate, magnesium, potash and lime. And generally poor in phosphoric content.

Red soil develops on igneous rocks in areas of low rainfall in the eastern and southern parts of the Deccan plateau. These soils also found in odisha, chhattisgarh and western ghats.

The laterite soil develops in areas with high temperature and heavy rainfall. Humus content of the soil is low because most of the micro organisms, particularly the decomposers, like bacteria. These soils are mainly found in Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Assam. This soil suitable for crops like cashew nut.

Arid soil range from red to brown in colour. They are generally Sandy in texture and saline in nature. Due to the dry climate the soil lacks humus and moisture.

The processes of soil formation and erosion, go on generally there is balance between the two but sometimes this balance is disturbed due to human activities such as deforestation, over grazing, construction and mining etc.

Large field can be divided into strips. Strips of grass are left grow up the force of the wind. This method known as strip cropping.  Ploughing along the contour lines can decelerate the flow of water down the slopes. This is called contour ploughing.

Monday, May 4, 2020

Water resources

                 WATER RESOURCES. 
What is water?

Water is essential for our life devoid it we cannot survive in every step of our life we need water.There are three fourth of the earth's surface is covered with water, but only a small proportion of its accounts for fresh water that can be put to use this freshwater is obtained from groundwater. It is being renewed or recycled by hydrological cycle and it ensure that water is renewable source.


Many uses of water such as in agricultural,industrial,household,recreational and environmental activities.

Where water scarcity likely to occur?               
1) water scarcity may be an outcome of large and growing population and on the other hand water has greater in demand.
2) A large population means more water not only for domestic use but also to produce more food.
3) Hence to facilitate higher food grain production water resources are being over exploited to expand irrigation areas and dry season agriculture.
4) many farmers have their own Wells and tube Wells for irrigation to increase their produce.
5) There is disadvantage also is that groundwater levels, adversely affecting water availability and for security of the people.
6) Housing societies or colonies in the cities,you would see that most of these have, own groundwater pumping devices. This scarcity may be due to bad quality of water.

How to conserve the water? 

1) Hydraulic structure (this is a ancient related) like dams built of Stone rubble or lakes, embankments and canals for irrigation.
2) Water supply for domestic and industrial uses, Flood control, recreation, inland navigation and fish breeding.
3) The Giraud project in the mahanadi basin integrates conservation of water with flood control.
4) Multipurpose project, launched after independence with their integrated water resources management approach.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Land resources

                    LAND RESOURCES 

What is Land resources? 
A land resource is that on which we live, perform our economic activities, and use it in many ways. What are the uses of land?                                 
1) Recreational: fun, non-essentials like a park.                                 
2) Agriculture: farmland.                         
3) Residential: Housing.                         
4) Transport: Roads, Railways, and Airports.   
5) Commercial: Business and Factories.                       

What is the land use pattern in India?           
In this land use is determined in two ways: Physical factors such as Topography, Climate, Soil types. Human factors such as Population density, Technological capability and culture, and tradition, etc. The total geographical area of India is 3.28 million sq km. land-use data is available only 93% of the total geographical area land under permanent pasture has decreased. Most of the lands are available in either poor quality or the cost of the land is very high. Hence these lands are cultivated once or twice in about two to three years.                     

NET SOWN area in some states. It is over 80% in Punjab and Haryana of the total area of less than 10% in Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, and Manipur. A part of the land is termed as wasteland. Wasteland includes such as rocky, arid, and desert areas. The use of non-agricultural land uses include settlements, roads, railways, and industry, etc.

We use the land for our basic needs like food, shelter, and clothing which are obtained from the land. Human activities have not done the degradation of the land but also damages the pace of natural forces to cause damage to the land.           

Some human activities such as deforestation, overgrazing, mining, and quarrying too have contributed significantly to land degradation. Industrial effluents as waste have become a major source of land and water pollution in many parts of the country. There are some ways to solve problems of land degradation of land (conservation)     
 1) Afforestation. 
2) Proper management of grazing.                             
3) Planting of shelter belts of plants.               
4) Control on overgrazing.

Thursday, April 30, 2020



Society is the root of our environment. Which can render optimistic or negative?             
The choice is ours.......what we would like to choose?                         
Here this side Simran Wadhwa. Today I would like to throw light on this huge issue is regarding society. It has a giant role in everyone's life.

How we run it?  It is in our hands. What kind of thing, we are keeping in our minds. Totally up to us...           
So all the age groups who are reading this article..." Awake from sleep" We have to change our society in a positive way. We all are the ones who make it pious. There are many issues such as :
1) uneducated people. (Education)     
2) unemployed people. 
3) violence.                   
4) poverty.                       
5) child labor.                     

Which has been combating by us on a daily basis? Because we think that we don't have the fortitude to raise our voice against it. So, guys, we all have the courage to stop this. Just have faith in yourself...     
Now the time has started for doing something for ourselves, not for others. Not for Society that what society will say or think if I wear short dresses. just let it be and start live your life foolishly.    Love yourself...             

It's time to fight for yourself... Raise your voice. Get the stream which u want.Do the things which u want
Marry with yourself right now make promises with yourself that u would be let u go.When you love yourself then you will able to give love to others.Do something in which you have interest.Believe in yourself first then believe in others. "Love Love"..🖤 "Motivated"🌸✏️📚

Women empowerment


Women are the one who run our world. Women can do anything we all know that but still, our culture is not allowing them to do anything.   
WHY? WHY?                   
Why they are silent? Can't they raise their voices? Why are they suppressing themselves?                   
We say that it's the 21st century and no one does discrimination. But guys it's easier said than done. In many houses, girls are just breathing they are not living. They are alive devoid of any feel Why? Don't they have the right to see the dreams?  Are they feeling safe at their own house?                   
Ask these questions from them.

They have a fundamental right. Gender inequality is not a natural factor born out of physical and biological differences. some crimes have been combating by girls in everyday life.   
And these are increasing not at all decreasing. Guys, is it India? Are we making it?
We are the citizens of the country and our India knows by us. So we ought to revamp it very soon. Even our government has concerned about some issues like education, child labor, and widow marriage. And govt. has made NGOs and Organisations for women. They have a privilege they can even file the report against crime.               

Give respect to every girl who is your sister, wife, mother, friend, or any relation. Only we are the one who makes them feel safe. They also want to come forward..               
Educational level.         
Literacy rates.                 
Attainments of positions in a job.             
Nutrition, health.             
Representation in the political system.             
Women fight for rights.


Young!! Meaning an individual somewhere in the range of 13 and 19 years of age. This is the most diverted age. It is additionally the time of making a real existence or wrecking a real existence. An individual battles numerous difficulties. Physical and mental change.. The majority of us seeing a lady or a kid at this age...we are making a sweetheart and beau. (love winged creatures) YOU ARE NOT!! Not intellectually get ready. Not in any way engaged towards study. Not having intimation that what you need to become throughout everyday life. No influence over oneself. Indeed, even YOU DON'T KNOW WHO ARE YOU? What is your ability? What might u want to do? What are your downsides and quality? What is your preferred nourishment? Just we are pursuing the dreamland. At this age we become emotional. We can't break down ourselves that what is covered up in us.we have a clouded side additionally however we are disregarding that.why? We simply need spoils or love which isn't love in all actuality it is attraction.we need somebody who causes us to feel uncommon constantly. Companions, Is it our life? It is alright to be with somebody or having sentiments as well. In any case, on the off chance that we are relying on somebody and getting a propensity for that person.....Not at all fine dear since we are rendering yourself wind down not in any manner solid. Companions!!! First love yourself at that point love others. Make your life than others. Short out your life than others. Help yourself at that point help other people. Watch and judge yourself than do this on others. Figure out how to live than educate. Fulfill yourself at that point satisfy others. IT IS CALLED LIFE. 🌸


What is resources?
Everything available in our environment which can be used to satisfy our needs, provided such as technologically, economically, and culturally can be turned as resources.

RESOURCES are divided into two terms:
1) Natural. 
2)  Human.


a)Renewable resources.
The resources which can be renewed by Physical, Chemical and Mechanical process are known as renewable resources.For eg: Solar, Wind energy, Forest, Water and Wildlife.

b)  Non renewable resource.
These resources take longer period of time. Minerals and fossil flue are examples of such resources. These resources take million of years. Some of the resources like metals are recycled and some like fossil fuel cannot recycled and get exhausted with their use.

a) Bioticresources.
These sources are obtained from biosphere and have life such as human beings,flora(plants) and fauna.(animals)

b) Abiotic resource:
There are non living resources for eg.Rocks and metals.
a)Individual resources.
These are also owned privately by individuals many farmers own land which is alloted by government against the payment of revenue.Urban people own plots, houses and other property. Plantation, pasture land, ponds, water in Wells etc. Are some of the examples of resources ownership by individuals. 

b) Community owned resources.
There are resources which are accessible to all the members of the community. Such as public parks, picnic spots, playground etc. 

c) National resources.
All resources belong to the nation. The country has legal powers to acquire even private property for public good. Such eg: roads, canals, railways etc. Used by our nation.